
Web 1: http://www.diccionariodesinonimos.es/

wweb 1

I choose this web because, you cannot add comments or likes.

The information can be false.


Web 2: https://misseugenia.com/

web 2

I choose this page because the interaction started.

The risk is that it can be false information or a bad person in the other side of the computer.


Web 3: https://www.youtube.com/?gl=MX&hl=es-419

web 3

I choose this web because is the ones that we use now a days it has lots of interactions with other people

The risk is that it can be a bad person at the other side of the computer or bad people can get your personal information.


Web 4: https://www.apple.com/mx/ios/siri/

web 4
I choose this web because it is the starting of a technological interaction and not even with real people, it is with your technological devises.
There is all types of risks, one example is that they can hack you because your technological devises have all your personal information.

Internet Risks


Trolling: Is when people start bothering you with bad jokes

Sexting: Is when people pay other people to trick them and get their personal information and images

Cyberbullying: Is when people start bothering you by messages with bad word and insulations

Sextortion: Is when people abuse of other people by a video or in real life

Worms: Is when worms spread to your personal information

Grooming: Is to try to persuade a kid in internet it abuse of him or his information

Trojan Horses: Is to trick people with a fail web page to get their money or information

Internet Addiction: Is when you use your technological devises the majority of time so you become addicted to them


With this presentation we made it by  following the desing cicle first we make reaserch then plan it then we make it and then we evaluated.trolling


The  most watchesd series are most of them for adults, exept  for “fuller house ” wich by the way is the most watched series, i personally recomend fuller house because it is funny and it is difficult to get bored with, but i also recomend to see full house, that was the first series and thanks of its views and popularity fuller house exsist.